
Payments Made Easy

Enable end-users to effortlessly send and receive payments with Dapi's APIs, utilizing end-to-end payment infrastructure.

Full payment infrastructure

Initiate payments effortlessly using multiple methods such as ACH, Wire transfers, and RTP, providing a diverse range of secure and efficient options for your needs.

Check Issuance

Efficiently issue checks with our seamless solution, streamlining the process of creating, tracking, and managing payments, enhancing the overall experience for both your business and recipients.

Book Transfer

A secure method of transferring funds between accounts within the same financial institution, reducing transaction fees.

Bill Payment and Subscription

Streamline bill payments and subscription management by linking them to your bank accounts for automated processing.

Initiate a payment Request

Dapi's API is developer-friendly, providing easy-to-use documentation, SDKs, and libraries for different programming languages. Our platform offers a sandbox environment for testing and prototyping, enabling developers to quickly and efficiently integrate Dapi into their applications

Start your next level.

Dapi's API is developer-friendly, providing easy-to-use documentation, SDKs, and libraries for different programming languages.

Read Documentation
Access easy-to-understand documentation for smooth integration and effective utilization of Dapi's API.