US crypto on-ramp

Boost conversion using the world's most secure Crypto On & Off Ramp solution.

Discover seamless digital currency integration with our Crypto on & off Ramp solution, offering secure, scalable, and developer-friendly integration for US businesses.

Expand Crypto Purchasing

Explore various payment methods beyond card transactions. Our solution enables you to seamlessly adopt and transact cryptocurrencies using diverse methods.

User-friendly Integration

Seamlessly incorporate the US Crypto On-Ramp product into your business, offering a smooth cryptocurrency experience for both businesses and customers.

Lower Risks

Reduce chargebacks associated with cryptocurrency transactions.

Embed our US Crypto On-Ramp into your Application

Dapi's API is developer-friendly, providing easy-to-use documentation, SDKs, and libraries for different programming languages. Our platform offers a sandbox environment for testing and prototyping, enabling developers to quickly and efficiently integrate Dapi into their applications

Start your next level.

Dapi's API is developer-friendly, providing easy-to-use documentation, SDKs, and libraries for different programming languages.

Read Documentation
Access easy-to-understand documentation for smooth integration and effective utilization of Dapi's API.